The Importance of Virtual Tumor Boards in Rural Areas

The Importance of Virtual Tumor Boards in Rural Areas

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In rural areas, cancer patients often face significant challenges in accessing optimal treatment and care.

Limited availability of healthcare providers, long distances to healthcare facilities, financial barriers, and limited access to clinical trials are some of the obstacles that rural cancer patients encounter.

However, virtual tumor boards have emerged as a promising approach to address these challenges and improve cancer care in rural areas.

By utilizing technology to connect healthcare professionals and facilitate collaboration, virtual tumor boards have the potential to enhance the quality and accessibility of cancer care for patients in rural communities.

The Challenges of Rural Cancer Care

Limited Availability of Cancer Care Providers

One of the key challenges in rural areas is the limited availability of cancer care providers.

According to the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), only a small percentage of medical oncologists practice in rural areas, despite a significant rural population.

This shortage of oncologists and other cancer care providers makes it difficult for rural patients to access specialized cancer treatment and expertise.

Additionally, the general unavailability of radiation oncologists and radiation facilities in rural areas is also a problem.

Although inequalities in oncologist distribution along the rural-urban continuum are well known, these disparities are becoming more pronounced despite increasing awareness [1].

This raises concern that disparities in cancer outcomes in rural patients will continue to worsen [1]. 

Distance and Transportation Barriers

Rural residents often have to travel long distances to reach healthcare providers and facilities, including those offering cancer care.

The lack of public transportation options and financial constraints can further exacerbate transportation barriers.

Many rural residents lack access to private vehicles, making it challenging for them to travel to healthcare appointments, especially for treatments that require regular visits such as anticancer therapy.

These distance and transportation barriers can significantly impact the timely delivery of cancer care for rural patients.

Financial Barriers and Limited Insurance Coverage

Financial barriers pose a significant challenge for rural cancer patients.

Many rural residents have lower incomes and are more likely to be uninsured or reliant on government-funded insurance programs such as Medicaid in the United States.

The Affordable Care Act has improved access to health insurance for many Americans, but the decision by some states to not expand Medicaid coverage has left a coverage gap for low-income individuals in rural areas [2].

Furthermore, rural healthcare providers may face financial pressures due to lower reimbursement rates from Medicaid and Medicare compared to private insurance.

Limited Access to Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are a crucial component of cancer research and treatment advancement.

However, rural populations are often underrepresented in clinical trials, primarily due to limited access and awareness [3].

Rural residents may have difficulty finding clinical trials close to their location, and healthcare providers in rural areas may not have the resources or knowledge to actively participate in clinical trials.

This lack of access to clinical trials can limit treatment options for rural cancer patients and hinder advancements in cancer care.

The Role of Virtual Tumor Boards

Enhancing Collaboration and Expertise

Virtual tumor boards offer a solution to palliate the challenges faced by rural cancer patients and providers.

These virtual platforms utilize audiovisual conferencing technology to connect healthcare professionals from different locations, allowing for multidisciplinary collaboration and discussion of complex cancer cases.

By bringing together specialists from various disciplines, virtual tumor boards provide access to expertise that may not be available locally in rural areas.

This collaborative approach ensures that patients receive comprehensive and evidence-based treatment recommendations.

Overcoming Distance and Access Barriers

One of the primary benefits of virtual tumor boards is their ability to overcome distance and access barriers.

Through audiovisual conferencing, healthcare professionals can participate in tumor board meetings from any location, eliminating the need for long-distance travel.

This is particularly beneficial for rural areas where patients and providers may have to travel significant distances to attend in-person tumor board meetings.

Virtual tumor boards make it possible for rural patients to receive expert opinions and recommendations without the burden of extensive travel.

Improving Treatment Decision-Making and Outcomes

The multidisciplinary nature of virtual tumor boards allows for comprehensive evaluation of complex cases, resulting in more informed treatment decision-making.

By bringing together specialists from different disciplines, virtual tumor boards facilitate a holistic approach to cancer care.

The collaborative discussions enable the sharing of diverse perspectives and insights, leading to more personalized and effective treatment plans.

This multidisciplinary approach has the potential to improve patient outcomes, especially in rural areas where access to specialized expertise may be limited.

Education and Professional Development

Virtual tumor boards also offer educational opportunities for healthcare professionals in rural areas.

Through participation in virtual tumor board meetings, rural providers can expand their knowledge and stay updated on the latest advancements in cancer care.

The exchange of information and collaborative learning fostered by virtual tumor boards contribute to the professional development of healthcare professionals, ultimately benefiting the quality of cancer care in rural areas.

Successful Implementation of Virtual Tumor Boards in Rural Areas

Several examples demonstrate the successful implementation of virtual tumor boards in rural areas.

These initiatives have shown the potential of virtual tumor boards to improve cancer care and outcomes for rural patients.

Kansas-based Virtual Tumor Board

In Kansas, the Ascension Via Christi hospitals of Wichita implemented a virtual tumor board that meets regularly to discuss complex cancer cases [4].

The virtual platform allows physicians and healthcare professionals from neighboring communities and rural hospitals to participate in the tumor board meetings.

This reduces isolation in decision-making and provides access to specialized expertise for rural patients.

The Kansas-based virtual tumor board has enhanced collaboration, coordination, and communication among providers, leading to better treatment recommendations and improved patient outcomes.

Outreach Programs and Virtual Tumor Boards

Outreach programs that combine in-person clinics with virtual tumor boards have also shown success in rural areas.

These programs involve specialists traveling to rural sites to provide consultations and examinations, while virtual tumor boards connect these specialists with other healthcare professionals for collaborative discussions.

This integrated approach ensures that rural patients receive comprehensive and expert care without the need for extensive travel.

These programs have improved access to cancer care in rural areas and have been well-received by both patients and providers.

The Future of Virtual Tumor Boards in Rural Areas

The need for virtual tumor boards in rural areas is evident, given the challenges faced by rural cancer patients and providers.

As technology continues to advance and become more accessible, the implementation of virtual tumor boards is likely to increase.

Telemedicine reimbursement policies are evolving, and efforts to improve broadband internet access in rural areas are underway.

These developments will further support the widespread adoption of virtual tumor boards and enhance cancer care in rural communities.


Virtual tumor boards have emerged as a valuable tool for improving cancer care in rural areas.

By facilitating collaboration, overcoming distance and access barriers, and enhancing treatment decision-making, virtual tumor boards have the potential to bridge the gap in cancer care between urban and rural populations.

Continued investment in technology, reimbursement policies, and provider education is necessary to ensure the successful implementation and sustainability of virtual tumor boards in rural areas.

By harnessing the power of virtual connectivity, we can improve the quality and accessibility of cancer care for all patients, regardless of their geographic location.

If you need a virtual tumor board software application, please contact us at


[1] Rural cancer care access in the United States: A worsening problem?

[2] Rural Hospitals Face Renewed Financial Challenges, Especially in States That Have Not Expanded Medicaid

[3] Clinical trial deserts: US urban vs rural patient enrollment among patients with advanced cancer in phase 1 clinical trials at a major cancer center

[4] Virtual Tumor Boards Provide Access to Multidisciplinary Cancer Care for Rural Patients

