Teledermatology What is Next

Teledermatology: What is Next?

Zlynger develops teledermatology applications. If you need a customized teledermatology software platform, please contact us at

With the rapid advancement of technology and the increasing demand for remote healthcare services, teledermatology has emerged as a promising solution in the field of dermatology.

This innovative approach allows dermatologists to provide quality care to patients through virtual consultations, diagnosis, and treatment, regardless of their physical location.

In this article, we will explore the advantages of teledermatology and discuss its future trends.

Advantages of Teledermatology

  1. Quality of Service

Teledermatology has proven to be just as efficient and accurate as in-person dermatology clinics.

Numerous studies have demonstrated that online dermatology consultations can achieve a diagnosis rate accuracy of up to 80%. [1]

This high level of accuracy indicates that medical professionals can provide quality care to patients through teledermatology, even without being physically present in the same room.

With teledermatology, doctors can overcome the limitations of their geographical location and offer their expertise to patients who may not have easy access to dermatology services.

  1. Accessibility and Convenience

One of the major advantages of teledermatology is its ability to improve access to dermatological care, especially for individuals living in remote areas or facing mobility challenges.

Through telemedicine platforms, patients can easily connect with dermatologists and receive timely consultations without the need for long-distance travel or waiting for in-person appointments.

This convenience not only saves time and effort for patients but also reduces the burden on physical dermatology clinics, allowing them to allocate their resources more effectively.

  1. Cost-Effectiveness

Teledermatology offers significant cost savings for both patients and healthcare providers.

By eliminating the need for physical clinic visits, teledermatology reduces transportation costs and other expenses associated with in-person consultations.

Moreover, teledermatology practices do not require extensive clinic setups, resulting in lower overhead costs.

These cost savings can be passed on to patients, making dermatological care more affordable and accessible.

  1. Time Efficiency

Traditional dermatology clinics often suffer from long waiting times and poorly scheduled appointments, leading to patient dissatisfaction.

Teledermatology addresses this issue by providing flexible scheduling options and reducing waiting times.

By streamlining the consultation process and minimizing unnecessary visits, teledermatology optimizes time for both doctors and patients.

According to a study, in the group of patients where the general practitioner used teleconsultation to prevent a referral, 74% of physical referrals were prevented. [2]

In the group of patients where the general practitioner used teleconsultation for a second opinion, 16% were physically referred after teleconsultation (prevented physical referral rate in the total population was 68%). [2]

This time efficiency improves patient satisfaction and allows dermatologists to attend to a larger number of cases.

  1. Continuity of Care

Teledermatology enables seamless continuity of care for patients, especially those requiring long-term treatment or follow-up appointments.

Through online platforms, dermatologists can easily access and review patients’ medical records, track their progress, and provide necessary guidance and adjustments to treatment plans.

This continuous monitoring ensures that patients receive consistent and personalized care, leading to better outcomes and improved patient satisfaction.

Future Trends in Teledermatology

  1. Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize teledermatology by enhancing accuracy and efficiency in diagnosis and treatment.

AI algorithms can analyze skin images and detect patterns that may indicate specific dermatological conditions.

By incorporating AI into teledermatology platforms, dermatologists can receive automated preliminary assessments, saving time and improving diagnostic accuracy.

This integration of AI technology has shown promising results in the diagnosis of skin cancer and other common dermatological conditions [3].

As AI continues to advance, its role in teledermatology is expected to expand, ultimately improving patient outcomes.

  1. Expansion of Store-and-Forward Model

While live-interactive video consultations have gained popularity during the COVID-19 pandemic, the store-and-forward model remains an essential component of teledermatology.

In this model, patients capture images of their skin conditions and submit them to dermatologists for review and diagnosis.

As technology progresses, the quality and resolution of images captured by smartphones and specialized dermoscopy devices continue to improve.

This allows dermatologists to make accurate assessments remotely and provide timely recommendations for treatment or further evaluation.

The store-and-forward model is particularly useful for non-urgent cases, follow-up appointments, and long-term management of chronic skin conditions.

  1. Enhanced Connectivity and Telecommunication Infrastructure

To fully harness the potential of teledermatology, it is crucial to address existing challenges related to technology and connectivity.

Reliable internet connectivity, especially in rural and underserved areas, is essential for seamless video consultations and image transfer.

As telecommunication infrastructure continues to improve globally, teledermatology can reach a wider population and bridge the gap in access to dermatological care.

Additionally, advancements in mobile technology and the development of user-friendly telemedicine apps will further enhance the patient experience and facilitate effective communication between dermatologists and patients.

  1. Regulatory and Reimbursement Reforms

The COVID-19 pandemic has prompted regulatory changes and reimbursement reforms, enabling the widespread adoption of telemedicine, including teledermatology.

These changes have granted equal reimbursement for virtual consultations, removing geographical restrictions and expanding access to care.

Continued advocacy for regulatory and reimbursement reforms will be essential for the long-term sustainability and growth of teledermatology.

Policymakers and healthcare organizations must work together to ensure that teledermatology services are adequately reimbursed, incentivizing dermatologists to embrace this innovative approach and deliver high-quality care remotely.

  1. Integration with Electronic Health Records (EHR)

The integration of teledermatology platforms with electronic health records (EHR) systems is crucial for comprehensive patient care and seamless information exchange.

When dermatologists have access to patients’ medical history, including previous diagnoses, treatments, and medications, they can make more informed decisions during teleconsultations.

Integrating teledermatology platforms with EHR systems also facilitates secure and efficient sharing of patient data among healthcare providers, ensuring continuity of care and minimizing the risk of medical errors.


In conclusion, teledermatology offers numerous advantages, including improved accessibility, cost-effectiveness, time efficiency, and continuity of care.

As technology continues to advance and regulatory barriers are addressed, teledermatology is expected to play an increasingly significant role in the future of dermatological care.

By integrating artificial intelligence, expanding the store-and-forward model, improving connectivity, advocating for regulatory reforms, and integrating with electronic health records, teledermatology has the potential to transform the way dermatological services are delivered, benefiting both patients and healthcare providers.

Zlynger develops teledermatology applications. If you need a customized teledermatology software platform, please contact us at


[1] Patient and practitioner satisfaction with tele-dermatology including Australia’s indigenous population: A systematic review of the literature

[2] Teledermatology applied following patient selection by general practitioners in daily practice improves efficiency and quality of care at lower cost

[3] The Artificial Intelligence in Teledermatology: A Narrative Review on Opportunities, Perspectives, and Bottlenecks

